Welcome to SurfBoard!
This is an experimental web browser! Go to your own website or search.
To search, press the search button above next to the address bar or press here.
Top tip:
Scroll right next to the address bar to see more buttons!
This is the generic home page. If you're seeing this then either:
- You're on a custom-made version of SurfBoard that doesn't have a version-specific home page. (Try asking for it next time)
- You're on an experimental version of SurfBoard that wasn't meant to last long.
- You're on an old version of ButtonBrowser that doesn't have a version-specific home page. (DX-Web or a SurfBoard version earlier than 1.0.3)
- You have ignored a previous notice asking you to update.
In any case, press this link to see the latest version and instructions on how to update.